The Brain Trust at Syllble is a group of creative mentors, scientific advisors and experts committed to the success of Syllble’s many artist collectives. They help creators develop powerful worlds with diversity and creativity that will help the worlds thrive (as well as everyone involved!).
Master Storyteller
Associate Professor of English at CUNY. Her research explores the intersections between science fiction, fantasy, and critical race theory
Research Scientist at NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and
Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University
Postdoctoral Associate at the Center for Industrial Ecology, Yale School of the Environment
Affiliate Associate Professor of Strategic Peacebuilding & Public Policy at EMU
Associate Professor, University of Oxford and Principal Scientist Nekton Foundation
Master Storyteller
Science Fiction Writer. Adjunct Professor at Singularity University on Energy, Environment, and Innovation
Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism, Cinematic Arts and Education
Primary Investigator, Civic Paths Research Group at University of Southern California
Senior Research Scientist, and Director, Program in Tropical Forestry and Agroforestry at Yale University
Interdisciplinary political geographer and Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies at the University of Portland