Syllble empowers writers and visual artist to partner together and imagine new story worlds for which radically new stories can be set. Syllble is incredible excited to announce “The Blacktopia Collective”
The formation of this artist collective comes at a time unique time in the Los Angeles with The 2023 Writers Guild of America strike between the Writers Guild of America (WGA) labor union (representing 11,500 writers) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP).
The Blacktopia Collective has formed a visionary and afrofuturistic world set at the dawn of the 22nd Century and has sought to reimagine Black people in the future while address a myriad of issues our society faces across race, activism, gender, politics and more. Stories will be written on this world.
Introducing the members of the collective:

Bairton Brown is a Chicago and Los Angeles-based writer-director. Their short film FROM YOUR FORMER LOVER premiered at the 2021 New York Independent Cinema Awards and was selected for Pinewood Studios 2021 First Time Filmmakers’ Session. Bair also directed the web series NAOMI & LEVI TAKE ON THE WORLD (2021), streaming on OTV | Open Television. Last year he directed the sold-out premiere of HOW DARE YOU at Affirmation Theatre in New York City, and this year he directed the radio play FINAL GOODBYE at Soundscape Theatre. Brown is a 2022-2023 Next-Up Playwriting Fellow at Congo Square Theatre, and a staff writer for the third and fourth season of the company’s sketch comedy web series, Hit Em On The Blackside (2020-). His newest full-length play, THE PLAY GROUNDS (2023) will receive a live premiere in Chicago, Denver, and Los Angeles this June

Kyle j. Hinton is currently on the run from a conservative small town in the midwest, Kyle aspires to contribute imaginative and intersectional stories to the television landscape through sci-fi, horror, and comedy genres. His horror/comedy pilot The Vampire Prince recently won WeScreenplay’s Diverse Voices 2022 lab, and his web series Naomi & Levi Take On The World is streaming on OTV. He likes to tackle dark, social, and personal issues with heart and levity because he is over the trauma.

Brandon Patterson is an abolitionist teacher who believes that eradicating racism from all structures of society is the only way for liberation of all people. Brandon does this through education, storytelling, activism, and being an overall decent human being. Brandon has worked in DEI work for years and have been worked for talented artist like Frank Ocean. Similar to Shrek, Brandon is like an onion – as the many layers are revealed more of his talents, passions and goes are unearthed. He’s an asset to have on any team and and loves to think outside of the box. He as often times last picked in gym class and is an avid ferret lover. Brandon was a Writer’s PA for the TV Show Grand Crew on NBC.